Community Connector

Community Connectors are trained and experienced staff who you can meet with and talk about yourself, interests and needs.  Where appropriate they can enable you to access and use locally availably resources. If you need support with benefits, housing or work; need support in finding the right volunteering opportunity; daily living skills; or simply someone to talk to, then they could help. Community connectors are based in your local GP Surgeries and are there to compliment GP services.

“If I didn’t have the support of the Community Connector Service to talk things through, offer things and provide encouragement and support then I wouldn’t be where I am now.  My mind is more relaxed and I feel stronger and am looking after myself better. I’m even thinking of applying for College to study something new. There needs to be more information out there for people to get help and encouragement.  I know I can phone and you will talk to me, that’s a gid thought – thank you”

“Lost in the confusing, harsh financial world of DWP and others, no idea where to turn, went to GP feeling so alone.  Only on building up relationship and trust alongside taking time to listen and encourage does the true picture or issue arise…

Find out more about Community Connectors.